

Ingredients 配料

  • 1 part Tequila 一份龙舌兰酒,Tequila,a Mexican liquor made from an agave,agave,即龙舌兰;
  • ½ part triple sec liqueur 半份橙皮甜酒,triple sec,a colourless liqueur with orange flavouring
  • ½ part lime juice 半份青柠汁
  • 1 lime wedge 一片青柠
  • Salt 盐
  • Cubed ice 冰块

How to mix 如何调配

  • Chill your glass (the easiest way is to fill it with ice) 冷却玻璃杯;
  • Put lots of ice and all of the ingredients into a shaker, then shake hard for about 30 seconds to chill the liquid really well 把所有原料装入摇酒器中,用力摇30秒,使液体充分冷却;
  • Run a lime wedge around the outside of the rim of your glass before rolling the rim in salt 将玻璃杯边缘用青柠片湿润,并沾上盐;
  • Double strain the mix into the glass 将混好的酒倒入玻璃杯中;

  • 本文作者:括囊无誉
  • 本文链接: English Notes/英语笔记10/
  • 版权声明: 本博客所有文章均为原创作品,转载请注明出处!
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